Sons of Confederate Veterans

Sons of Confederate Veterans
Egbert J. Jones Camp #357
Huntsville, Alabama

Deo Vindice!

Join Us

Egbert J. Jones Camp #357 meets the first Thursday of each month at the Liberty House Madison Al. at 7:00pm or call us at 1-800-MY-SOUTH (697-6884)

Liberty House

7845-B Lee H'way

(Highway 72W)

Madison, Al 35758

Egbert J Jones Flag
United Confederate Veterans Camp #357 Flag

Col. Egbert J. Jones of that famous regiment who was wounded at Manassas and eventually died at Orange Courthouse, Va. Unlike most Alabama Confederates who lived and died in relative obscurity, Jones was celebrated for the role of his command in the Confederacy's first major victory and was at the time of his death the highest-ranking officer from this state to have given his life for his country and when not fighting, spent his time as a plumber in Madison County.